The Solution
Intuitively, the solution is simple:
- Identify the research-based markers that relate to recovery and over-training.
- Determine their relative importance.
- Build an algorithm which folds all the data together in such a way that the resulting calculation is meaningful.
- Wrap it in a web-based tool that doesn’t require a PhD to understand.
- Generate a score that tells an athlete how prepared their body is for hard training.
- Make sure it accessible from the major handheld devices as well as the web.

But as much as the solution may be intuitive (and deceptively simple), the science and math behind it is intimidating. Which is why we've pulled together a small team including some of the best minds in exercise science, some of the most experienced athletes in the world and a handful of seriously smart math guys to make the enterprise work.
The result is a coherent, intuitive way for you to think about, quantify and evaluate the relationship between exercise and recovery. And by doing so, Restwise revolutionizes the process of preparing your body for endurance performance.